Friday, October 12, 2012

4 Moves for a Stronger Walk

By: Tracy Teare

The stronger you are, the easier it is to go fast. "Strong muscles let you recruit more muscle power to propel you forward and also improve posture," says walking coach Lee Scott, founder of WoW Power Walk in Oakville, Ontario. Do these exercises three times a week, allowing at least 1 rest day between sessions.

Get your muscles loose for walking
You'll need a resistance exercise band (available at most sporting goods stores) for some of the moves. Aim to do 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. If you can't do 8 reps, use a stretchier, more flexible band; if you can do more than 12, shorten your band or use a stiffer one for more resistance.

Leg Adduction

Step 1
  1. Attach band around bottom of a post or other sturdy object so it forms a loop. Place band around left ankle. Stand with left hip to post, far enough away so band is taut. Contract left inner thigh and pull left foot across and in front of you until foot is under right hip (pictured).
  2. Slowly release and repeat. Complete reps, switch sides, and repeat with right leg.

Kneeling Row

Step 1
  1. Kneel on right knee about arm's length from a post or other sturdy object, and attach band to object at hip height. Holding post with left hand for balance, grasp band with right hand, arm extended in front of you. Squeezing shoulder blades, bend right elbow back and slowly pull hand to hip (pictured).
  2. Pause, then slowly release and repeat. Complete a set of reps, switch legs, and repeat with left arm.

Toe Pulls

Step 1

Step 2
  1. Attach band around bottom of post. Sit facing post with right leg outstretched and band hooked around right foot. Band should be taut; if not, move back.
  2. Flex right foot, pulling toes toward knee. Pause, then slowly release and repeat. Complete a set of reps, switch legs, and repeat with left foot.

Progressive Lunges

Step 1
Do each phase for at least 2 weeks, progressing to the next level when you can easily complete 12 reps with each leg.
14 Walking workouts to fight fat and boost energy

Phase 1: Stand with hands on hips and left foot about 3 feet in front of right foot, right heel off ground. Bend knees and lower hips 6 to 8 inches, keeping left knee behind toes and body weight balanced evenly over left heel and right toes (pictured; if you can't see front toes beyond knee, spread feet farther apart). Pause, then straighten legs and repeat. Complete a set of reps, switch legs, and repeat.
Phase 2: Start as in Phase 1. As you straighten legs, push off right foot and step it next to left foot to end in standing position. Step right foot back to start and repeat for one set. Switch legs and repeat.
Phase 3: Stand with feet together. Step left foot forward and lower into lunge. Push off with right foot and stand back up, feet together. Repeat with opposite leg and continue alternating legs, traveling forward.
Phase 4: Repeat Phase 3, but instead of bringing feet together as you return to standing, step back foot all the way forward into the next lunge.

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