Monday, May 21, 2012

Ten Secrets Of Skinny People From MSN Health

#1 They don't diet ---- they change their lives not their diet.... They change the way they look at think of and treat food in their lives.
#2 They keep track of their weight --- they journal their calories, miles walked or run, and they also chart their weight on a weekly or daily basis
#3 They exercise regulary ---- 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day
#4 They don't solve their problems with food ---- ie they don't drown their sorrows in a pint of Haagen Daas Ice Cream
#5 They stop eating when they are full ---- always try and leave at least a third or fourth of your food on your plate at each meal.
#6 They don't surround themselves with tempation ---- don't keep chips etc around ---- keep sugar free/weight watchers/baked alternatives or fresh fruit or veggies on your shelves when you need a treat
#7 They allow themselves treats --- mind you mine are sugar free / fat free alternatives --- never the leaded stuff
#8 They eat breakfast --- Special K and soymilk is my favorite breakfast
#9 They move, stand and fidget more ---- yes fidget and fidget alot---- get up and move
#10 They don't skip meals ---- even if you just can squeeze in a apple and yogurt or banana and yogurt do it --- never skip a meal

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