Tuesday, June 5, 2012

4 New Truths about Running

Want to improve your stride? Get inspiration from these unlikely sources

By: Lila Battis

Photo Credit: Corbis Images


You can learn a lot about running from some unlikely places. In our search for the best ways to master this simple sport, Men’s Health rounded up four ways to clean up your stride; they’re so easy, animals and toddlers do them subconsciously. Here’s what you can learn about running from…

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They tend to land on the balls of their feet. Try running barefoot for 2 minutes after your regular run, says bio-mechanics researcher Peter Larson, Ph.D. You'll adapt to the lack of cushioning by landing closer to your body.

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

The Road Runner

There's a running method to the madness of the bird's whirring legs. An efficient running economy is about 90 steps a minute per foot, says exercise physiologist Jack Daniels, Ph.D. Count your steps for a minute, and if your number is under 90, shorten your stride.

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

Forrest Gump

He went for a little run and ended up across the country. Runner's World editor at large Amby Burfoot offers two takeaways: (1) Aim to go a bit farther or a bit faster each week; and (2) use races to explore places in America.

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Strong tendons help these burly beasts hurdle 6-foot fences and outrun horses in endurance races. To gain more spring, says decathlete Bryan Clay, do this plyometric circuit once or twice a week: box jump, single-leg hop, lateral jump (3 sets of 10 reps each).

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