Saturday, June 16, 2012

What Are the Benefits of Running Stairs?

I started running the stairs of the Illinios Monument last week --- WHEW --- what a work out!

What Are the Benefits of Running Stairs?
Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Most people head straight to the elevator, but a set of stairs provides a free form of cardio exercise that also strengthens the lower body. Running stairs gives you a new addition to your workout to keep it interesting and varied. Whether you run up and down a flight of stairs in your home or to the top of a city skyscraper, the exercise gets your heart pumping.

Calorie Burning

Running stairs is an intense workout that burns calories. This burn helps you achieve a calorie deficit for the day, which facilitates weight loss. Add stairs into your workout for an intense interval between easier moves or resistance training. The easier moves give you a chance to cool down before another intense calorie-burning session of stair running.

Muscle Strengthening

The muscles of the lower legs in particular receive strengthening benefits from running stairs. For a more intense lower leg workout, skip every other step to run two stairs at a time. Your legs work harder to cover the bigger difference between the steps. To add in an upper body workout while running stairs, carry dumbbells as you run, or wear a weighted vest. Either option intensifies the workout and increases the muscle-strengthening benefits throughout the body.

Cardiovascular Strength

Running stairs is a cardiovascular workout that increases your heart rate and breathing quickly. The cardiovascular system becomes strengthened because of the intensity of the workout. Walking back down the stairs gives your body recovery time before engaging in another intense run up the stairs. With regular stair workouts, your cardiovascular strength improves so you are able to handle longer sessions.


Exercise equipment and gym memberships are often expensive ways to work out. A set of stairs gives you a free workout location with the same benefits as expensive cardio equipment. You don't need access to a high-rise building. One flight of stairs is enough to give you a thorough workout without investing any money. If you don't have stairs in your home, look for a flight of stairs outdoors in a public area, at your workplace or in a public building. Check with the building manager if you are concerned about access to the stairs.


Article reviewed by Sue Hargis Spigel Last updated on: Jun 6, 2011

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