Sunday, July 29, 2012

6 Rules Of Good Nutrition


6. Never skip breakfast:
Breakfast eaters are 30% less likely to be overweight or obese

5. Snack with purpose:
Reinforce good habits
Keep metabolic rate up
Fill gaps between meals with nutrients your body craves
Healthy snacks or smart snacks are: a ziplock bag of homemade popcorn, ants on a log (celery sticks with peanut butter and raisens), string cheese, triscuits and peanut butter
Snack in moderation ---

4. Beware of portion distortion
Since 1977 hamburgers have increased by 97 calories, ffries by 68 calories, and mexican food by 133 calories per serving. Drinks have grown in size from 13.1 oz to 18.9 oz
One way to combat oversized portions at home is to buy smaller plates, bowls and cups

3. Drink responsibly
Watch what you drink
Americans slurp up 25% of their daily calories in liquid form; nearly double 20 yrs ago
25% = 330 calories a day from drinks
Drink more cold filtered water and keep it readily available
Beware of juices
Look for 100% fruit juice on the label
Avoid juice blends with high sugared fruit juices such as white grape juice

2. Eat more whole foods and less science experiments
Pick foods with the shorter ingredient lists
According to USDA most sodium in the American diet comes from processed/packaged foods

1. Set the dinner table
Families with more structured mealtimes exhibit healthier eating habits
If you can't sit down nightly together for dinner set aside on night to have a sit down dinner together and keep in sacred with NO interuptions of any kind.

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